Health and Safety
Redcliffe Homestead, as a business, has the responsibility to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of its workers, contractors and most importantly, our guests and any other visitors who could be put at risk by the work of the business.
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, as the PCBU (person conducting a business or undertaking), I have the responsibility to manage all work risks. Risks arise from being exposed to a hazard, but the focus is on risk management, rather than hazard avoidance. The goal is to reduce the chance of risk happening and/or to reduce the harm caused by the risk.
All near misses, incidents and accidents will be recorded and reviewed. New hazards identified will be added to the Hazard Register, but more importantly, measures will be taken to eliminate or at least minimise the risk caused by the hazard. The review will ensure control measures are continually improved.
All contractors and tradesmen working on site must have supplied a copy of their own Health and Safety Policy. They must follow all relevant safety procedures and use all the required safety equipment to ensure the safety of both themselves and anyone else at the Homestead.
The Emergency Management Plan outlines the emergency procedures specific to Redcliffe Homestead. Also included are non-emergency phone numbers and a list of emergency equipment on site.
The Health and Safety Policy and its associated Procedures and Report Forms have been written using guidelines from WorkSafe NZ, in order to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015. Regular reference to the WorkSafe website provides up-to-date Approved Codes of Practice and Good Practice Guidelines when required.
The Homestead is adjacent to a commercial kiwifruit orchard. Tractors and mowers will be driving at times on shared tracks. General orchard operations will not endanger guests, provided the guests act responsibly in the interests of their own health and safety. Guests will be told of any specific hazards that may occur during their stay at the Homestead. It is essential that guests take note of any safety warnings issued by the hosts.
Sue Calcinai
Redcliffe Homestead
Extract from our Health and Safety Manual
Health and Safety Policy
The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) provides the framework to secure the health and safety of workers and workplaces.
From 4 April 2016, under the HSWA, every business has the responsibility to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of workers and any others who could be put at risk by the work of the business.
The focus is on risk management rather than hazard avoidance. Risks arise from people being exposed to a hazard.
1.0 Duty Holders for Redcliffe Homestead
Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU)(HSWA s.17)
Sue Calcinai, owner/manager, has the ‘primary duty of care’ - primary responsibility to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of workers and any others, including guests, who could be put at risk by the work of the business.
Workers(HSWA s.19)
Sue Calcinai, owner/manager - duty to take reasonable care of personal health and safety Tradesmen/Contractors – duty to take reasonable care of their own health and safety AND comply with reasonable health and safety instructions from PCBU.
Officers(HSWA s.18)
No other person exercises significant influence over the management of the business
Visitors and Guests(HSWA s.46)
Duty to keep themselves safe, not cause harm to others AND comply with reasonable health and safety instructions from PCBU.
2.0 Responsibility of PCBU
(HSWA S.30)To manage work risks in order to reduce the chance of risk happening and/or to reduce the harm caused by the risk Eliminate the risk if possible, or at least minimise the risk
Assess risk and identify control measures
(Refer Hazard Register) -
Implement control measures
(Refer Hazard Register, Contractor Registration Form, Emergency Management Plan, Hazard Awareness information in Guest Compendium) -
Monitor performance of control measures
(Refer Near-miss / Incident & Accident Report Forms)
NOTIFY WorkSafe of death, notifiable illness, injury or incident and follow procedures as detailed on WorkSafe website (HSWA s.23, 24 & 25) -
Review incidents as soon as practicable after the event
(Refer Health and Safety Review Report)- Are control measures effectively eliminating and/or minimising risk?
- Use review to ensure control measures are continually improved.
3.0 Primary Duty of Care of PCBU
(HSWA S.36)To ensure the health and safety of myself (as a worker) and tradesmen, and to ensure that guests and visitors are not put at risk by the work of the business.
provide and maintain a work environment that is without risks to health and safety
Control measures to provide safe work environment include- Emergency Management Plan - procedures and response plan
- Building regulations – Code of Compliance
- Hazard Register
- Contractor Registration – use of appropriate safety equipment, both structural (e.g. scaffolding) and personal (PPE)
- Incident Report Forms
- Health & Safety Review (“meeting”)
- Cleaning policy
provide and maintain safe plant and structures
Control measures to provide safe plant include- Building Regulations
- Certificates of Compliance for all electrical work
- Hazard Register
- Incident Report Forms
- Health & Safety Review (“meeting”)
provide and maintain safe systems of work, ensuring the safe use, handling and storage of plant,
structures and substances
Control measures to provide safe systems- Hazard Register
- Contractor Registration
- Incident Report Forms
- Health & Safety Review (“meeting”)
- Cleaning Policy
- Use of mower Guidelines
provide any information, training, instruction, or supervision that is necessary to protect all
persons from risks to their health and safety arising from work carried out as part of the conduct of
the business or undertaking
- Location of First Aid supplies (Kitchen, cars & yard Shed)
- Contractor Registration
- Warnings re slippery surfaces, ladder use, mower use.
- Guest information in Compendium regarding relevant Hazards and Emergency procedures
monitor my health and the conditions at the workplace for the purpose of preventing injury or
illness arising from the conduct of the business or undertaking.
Control measures to reduce harm and exposure include- Surface testing for bacteria
- Regular personal health checks
APPENDICES (available on request)
Hazard RegisterContractor Registration Form
Near-Miss, Incident & Accident Report Form
First Aid Register
Emergency Management Plan
Training Records
Health & Safety Summary in Guest Compendium
Relevant Hazard Information in Guest Compendium
Emergency Procedures Information in Guest Compendium
Operations Manual
- Reservation Procedure
- Check-in Procedure
- Breakfast Details (photos on file)
- Room Preparation & Cleaning (photos on file)
- Check-out Procedure
Contacting us
We value your opinions. If you have comments or questions about our Health and Safety Policy, please contact us.